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Meet the Mayoral Candidates Forum for the Disability Community

Tenby Powell

I’m looking forward to the Meet the Mayoral Candidates Forum for the Disability Community tomorrow (Weds 18th September).

An important part of my vision for Tauranga includes connectivity.

Particularly connecting our people through the generations. And given we have more seniors in #Tauranga than any other New Zealand city, and given we become less able with age, the issue of disability affects so many of us.

I strongly believe we need both a better quality and better connected pathways for seniors on mobility scooters, the disabled in wheelchairs, and our youth (any of us actually) on bikes and scooters, as part of my vision of ‘Connectivity through the Generations’.

To find out more, please go to:

Please join us on Wednesday 18 September from 10.30am - 12.30pm at Tauranga Citizens Club, 13th Ave.

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